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  • #943204

    Is there a way to change the default settings for an image caption in the avia builder? I want the following settings to be in place every time a photo is put into a post:

    Image caption: Yes
    Caption Custom Font Size: default
    Caption Appearance: Only display on hover
    Caption Overlay Opacity: 0.4
    Caption Overlay Background Colour: #2c353d
    Caption Font Colour: #ffffff


    Hey ChristineGerman,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Yes, this is possible. Please add this filter in the functions.php file.

    add_filter('avf_template_builder_shortcode_elements', 'avf_template_builder_shortcode_elements_mod', 10, 9999);
    function avf_template_builder_shortcode_elements_mod($elements) {
    	$counter = 0;
        foreach($elements as $element)
    		// enable image caption by default
    		if($element['id'] == 'caption')  {
    			$elements[$counter]['std'] = 'yes';
    	return $elements;

    Best regards,


    I do have a child theme setup…Can I add that somehow as a shortcode .php file?


    I tried adding it to the functions.php file and it hasn’t changed anything


    Hi ChristineGerman,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,

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