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  • #912240

    I have found a bug that I believe has been reported quite a few times already, but I couldn’t find a solution to it yet:

    When I edit a page, then click on “Preview”, the changes are shown correctly. When I then sign out, sign back in and go to the edit mode of the very same page again, I get a note displayed saying that there are changes which were autosaved and if I would like to see that revision.
    When I check out the revision, I don’t see the content of the page. When I restore that revision, the changes are not being restored, I just get the previous version of the page again.

    I was able to reproduce this issue on two different websites running WordPress 4.9.4 and Enfold 4.2 or Enfold 4.2.3, both sites use the Avia Layout Architekt. I tested it on another site running Twenty Seventeen and the problem did not occur there.
    Also, on the website with Enfold 4.2, I get redirected to a totally different page in editing mode in the backend, but this might not be associated with this bug, so maybe this can be ignored. Couldn’t confirm this redirection issue on the second website with Enfold 4.2.3.

    I have tried the recommendation to turn off the setting to use the visual editor when writing, but that didn’t change anything.

    I will share links to screenshots in the private content area.

    Thanks in advance
    Stephanie Jagl-Posch
    gugler* brand & digital


    Hey Stephanie,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Stephanie,

    Well, you can update WordPress and Enfold and test if the issue remains.

    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria,

    In my first post I already stated that I was able to reproduce the issue on WordPress 4.9.4 and Enfold 4.2.3. Up until yesterday, that was pretty much the most up to date setup to have.
    I just saw that Enfold 4.2.4 came out yesterday, but to my knowledge, the changelog doesn’t address any changes to issues with autosave.

    I am not able to give you access to the site with the up to date setup, as it is a live customer website and I can’t risk any problems due to debugging. That’s why I took my time to test the issue on one of my dev environments, confirmed that I was able to reproduce it there as well & sent you the credentials.

    Best regards


    Hi Stephanie,

    Is it happening only on pages built with the Advanced Layout Builder? Or default editor as well?

    Best regards,



    Thanks’s for pointing out the problem.

    We could reproduce it on our dev servers and added it to the todo list.

    We will let you know as soon we have a solution.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Best regards,



    I provided a fix – can you please check it:

    Enfold: 4.2.4

    Replace enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\template-builder.class.php

    with this file:


    Do not forget to make a backup for the original file for a fallback.

    Let us know if it solves the problem.

    Best regards,


    Dear Günter,

    Thanks for your reply. I tested the file you provided and can confirm that it fixes this bug.

    All the best,



    Thank you for your feedback. We will integrate this fix in the next update.

    Enjoy the theme and have a nice day.

    I will close this topic, but feel free to open a new one if you need more assistance.

    Best regards,

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