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  • #270493

    Gday Enfold

    After upgrading to v2.7.1 with Modern Tribe Event calendar Pro 3.5.2 the Event details get a 404. When the theme is switched to TwentyFourteen, the event single page data is visible again.

    This makes me think it’s to do with Enfold in some way…have you guys had anyone else with the problem (I couldn’t see any recent entries in the forum).

    As per an old forum post I saw from Sept last year, I also increased my php ini memory limit way up to 256 and no difference.

    Any ideas?

    You can see the effect at . If you choose an event you will get a 404

    Thanks for any help you can offer me. Much appreciated.



    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by itchybrain. Reason: Wrote the wrong plugin name

    Hey itchybrain!

    Typically your symptoms sound like a permalinks issue. So try going to your Settings>Permalinks and then saving them as default. Check that the links to your single events are working and then re-save with your previous settings 3 times in a row. That will ‘flush’ the permalink settings.

    Best regards,


    OMG, you legend :) Thanks so much, it worked after 1 flush…fantastic, you’ve made my day!


    Glad we could help. Let us know if you have any other questions or issues :)

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