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  • #1154664

    Hi everyone.
    After trying for hours I could not manage to get a fullwidth layout in ENFOLD using the Gutenberg editor.
    Can anyone give me a hint? What have I overseen?


    Hey nictau,

    Please go to Enfold theme options > General Styling > General and choose to display “Stretched layout” in “Use stretched or boxed layout?”

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon



    I have the same question.

    My theme is already set to “stretched”.

    I am creating posts without a sidebar, so I want to Gutenberg block editor to display the content full width, which currently is doesn’t.

    How can I force full width?


    Jordan, I have done this already like philthebass also mentioned.


    Hi nictau,

    Did you get it working for you or do you need more help?

    Best regards,


    Hi philthebass,

    Please start a separate thread, describe your issue there and give us a link to your website.

    Best regards,


    Will do.


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