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  • #1461350


    The recent update of Enfold 6.0 really slows down (large) websites.

    The query: SELECT DISTINCT meta_key FROM kjd_postmeta WHERE meta_key NOT LIKE “_%” ORDER BY meta_key

    Is really slow on large websites with a lot of rows in the postmeta table. It slows down some of our client websites up to 10 – 20 seconds. See the screenshot here:

    Please consider a fix for this asap.

    Best regards,


    Hey Roel,
    Thanks for your question, but I’m not able to reproduce this on my demo site, please try disabling all of your plugins and any custom files such as a custom header.php or footer.php in your child theme, or any customized elements that you have created. If you still find the error please explain how we can reproduce this in a new support thread, because using the contact form is not appropriate for support questions, please log in to the support forum and open a new thread.
    If you are unable to login to the support forum because you don’t have a activate support contract, please try going to your Theme Forest account and renew your support and then log in to the support forum and open a new thread.

    Best regards,


    Hi Roel,

    Thank you for pointing at this.

    First I checked the database structure of WP post meta table.

    meta_key field is an index in my install (6.5.3). This means the query you show is a simple query against an index and this means that is a very fast query – even in a database that contains million of entries in a table.

    Please check with your hoster (datatbase hoster) why this query is so slow in your case. Could be your database is broken somehow or allocated memory is too small.

    Nevertheless I improved the query logic to remove it from frontend for next release 6.0.1.

    If you want to test the fixes please replace the 2 following files:



    Best regards,

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