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  • #1424776

    Hey there,

    we just updated from Enfold 5.6.5 to 5.6.8. WordPress is 6.3.2.

    After the Enfold update the WP Core Block Editor Sidebar cannot be opened anymore when the advanced layout builder is enabled.
    Switching back to the “Default editor” renders the sidebar functional again. Switching to the Advanced layout builder renders it with full width overlaying the sidebar again.
    This is not limited to the WP Core sidebar. Yoast SEO for example renders a custom sidebar as well. This isn’t accessible either after the update.

    This renders it impossible to change/set categories, author, visibility and all the functions located within the Editor Sidebar.

    We downgraded to 5.6.5 again which solved the issue instantly.

    Can you please check this?


    Hey Jan,

    Did you try pressing the Settings button, next to Update?

    Best regards,


    Yup, exactly that one. Or the Yoast button right next to it.

    After Downgrading we still saw some CSS artifacts which caused just the Avia element toolbar overlapping the sidebar. But they were gone after flushing the browser cache / using DEV Tools with “Disable Cache” enabled.



    Thank you for the update.

    The sidebar panel is actually disabled when ALB is active and while Fullscreen Mode is enabled. If you want to enable the sidebar panel back even when Fullscreen Mode is enabled, please add this code in the functions.php file.

    add_action('admin_head', 'ava_admin_head_mod');
    function ava_admin_head_mod() {
      echo '<style> .interface-interface-skeleton__sidebar {
            display: block !important;
            z-index: 99999 !important;

    Best regards,


    Hi @ismael,

    thank you very much for your feedback and the quick fix.

    What is the reasoning behind the decisions to hide the sidebar? Sounds like this was changed intentionally with one of the recent updates.
    There are many settings within the Block Editor sidebar which are not accessible otherwise. Like category, author, all other custom meta boxes, etc. As I wrote, Plugin sidebars like the one from Yoast are unreachable as well.

    Or is there something else I missed how to get back access to this elements?

    Best Regards,



    We will add a fix in next release 5.6.9.

    There was a problem with “Fullscreen Mode” and ALB in Block editor – and I adopted the behaviour of ALB as it is in classic editor where “ALB Fullscreen” uses the complete screen.

    In next release the Block editor “Settings” Button in top bar will allow to show or hide the sidebar. Fullscreen mode will hide or show the dashboard menus on the left.

    Sorry for the problems you had and thank you for reporting.

    In case you need the fix earlier let us know.

    Best regards,


    Thank you very much as always Günter.
    The next release is fine for us.

    Best Regards,




    Thanks for the update, and sorry for the problem. We’ll keep this thread open in case you should want us to fix this for you before the release of the next theme version.

    Best regards,

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