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  • #1347715

    we just updated some customer websites from Enfold to Enfold via FTP.
    In most of the cases, this works fine.

    We have a multilingual website with WPML, where the footer doesn’t contain the defined widgets.
    If we go back to Enfold, everything is fine again.
    So this seems to be a problem with Enfold, WPML and the footer widgets.
    The four footer widgets contain menus, RSS feeds and custom HTML Code.

    Please find more information in the private content section.

    Any idea?

    Thanks a lot, Jochen


    Hey Jochen,

    Thanks for the login details. Are you overriding header.php or footer.php in your child theme? If so, then please try replacing those files with the parent theme files, then add your customisation back in after that.

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,
    your answer led us to the right track.
    THANKS A LOT, you may close this ticket.
    Kind regards,


    Hi Jochen,

    Great, I’m glad that we could help you out, and thanks for the update. I’ll close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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