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  • #1077838

    I’m just using the reCaptcha V2 for one of our clients page.
    Unfortunately the label settings for the send-button are not effective anymore when using the reCaptcha.
    Could you advice how to change the label according to the backend form settings:

    Right now we only can see the english label:

    Thanks, Enrico


    Hey enricobaumgart,

    Sorry for the problem, where can we see and reproduce it?

    Best regards,


    Please see the private content.



    Thanks for that, though we need access to the backend as well. Could you post login details in private please? I can’t reproduce this on my local installation.

    Best regards,


    Please see the privat date.
    Thanks, Enrico


    Hi Enrico,

    Please refer to the solution posted here

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Victoria.

    Thanks Victoria,

    That works. But one last question:
    Is it possible to show the submit button also before validating the user through google?
    Right now the submit button only appears after recaptcha was clicked.

    Thanks, Enrico



    That is possible but the submit button will contain the value “Authenticating..” instead of specified label setting for unverified users. If that is fine with you, add this css code.

    #top .avia_ajax_form input[type='submit'].avia-button-default-style {
        opacity: 1;

    Best regards,

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