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  • #903108


    I have had a problem quite some time now. I realize this will be hard for you to answer because I cannot show you. Also, it only happens when using Cache plugins, which I guess issent really your problem.. Anyway, I will try to ask.

    The problem happens only when running php 7. I have just discovered this, by “in desperation” trying to go back to phop 5.6. I have had this problem for several months, and I have regular updated Enfold and Cache plugin – same thing happens.

    Problem is that my site main menu breakes after some time – often it runs perfect several hours, and then it happens.

    The main-menu gets corrupt. I have a blue button called Webshop, and that goes missing and is replaced by a blue button called “kurv” which is danish for “Cart”

    This happens when I am using both WP rocket or Litespeed Cache plugin. I have changed, updated and configured EVERYTHING, but as long it is activated, it will eventually breake the menu. (right now I have Litespeed cache enabled and php 5.6

    I hope someone can give a hint aboug what to do – I really need the speed back from php 7.0





    Thank you for using our theme.

    Ask your hoster to enable php error logging and check the error log for notices or errors in php scripts.

    Best regards,

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