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  • #919882

    I am seeing a pattern of update failures with the last couple of updates. All my customers using Enfold on low end hosting platforms require manual ftp deletion and uploading any new theme updates. My customers on VPSs with plenty of memory and cpu have no issue. A review of cpu and memory requirements may be in order. Other themes I work with starting to have status pages indicating issues with memory and php settings.


    Hey webcitymedia,

    I will report this thread to the devs so they can investigate your concerns further.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon



    Would you mind letting us know the specifics of one of those lower end servers so we can do a few test runs on a local installation?
    Also, does the theme not properly update at all, or does it update and files are broken/missing/etc?

    Thanks and best regards,


    All three of these sites hung on maintenance screen and then 500 error after deleting maintenance file.
    Being this was a repeat from the last updated. Been there done that we knew how to recover.
    Sorry but did not inspect all the directories since time was of essence to get sites back up.
    Delete Enfold directory and loaded copy of updated version.

    Site #1
    GoDaddy Shared
    define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );
    PHP 7.1
    max_execution_time 30
    memory_limit 128M
    post_max_size 8M
    upload_max_filesize 2M

    Site #2
    Bluehost Shared
    define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );
    Php 7.0
    max_execution_time = 30
    memory_limit = 256M
    post_max_size 64M
    upload_max_filesize 64M

    Site #3
    GoDaddy Shared
    define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );
    PHP 7.1
    max_execution_time 30
    memory_limit 128M
    post_max_size 8M
    upload_max_filesize 2M

    Good site without any issues
    Site #4
    Atlantic VPS
    define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );
    PHP 7.1
    max_execution_time 60
    memory_limit 256M
    post_max_size 256M
    upload_max_filesize 25M


    I had 6 sites crash when updating all had an error string. All Godaddy.
    All had this error string:
    Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in ……/wp-content/themes/enfold/header.php

    I hired someone to fix and he said there was a bug in the header code. Will there be a patch for this?


    Same here…keep having to upload files manually for any client using this. Now there’s a MAJOR WooCommerce issue with the theme…


    My staging site keeps throwing this error when I update to 4.2.6… I’m leaving production at 4.2.3 as that seems to be the last stable version.

    PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare builder_set_debug() (previously declared in /nas/content/staging/name/wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php:66) in /nas/content/staging/name/wp-content/themes/enfold/functions.php on line 26, referer:

    I don’t need help with this as I’m just going to wait for a future version of Enfold… but thought that error might be of some help as the devs work to make future versions more stable.


    Tossing my hat into the ring as well.

    On a godaddy shared, went to update the theme and got stuck on the maintenance page, after removing the maintenance file in the directory, got a 500 error.

    Had to upload the theme manually after re-DLing it.


    @ 118group: I had the same error.
    Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in ……/wp-content/themes/enfold/header.php
    When I asked my web host to upgrade my version of php, it was fixed (I am now running 7.0.25)
    I am not on GoDaddy, I’m on Hostagtor on a shared server.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by pkjd.

    Upgrading your PHP version is a definite must, but that wouldn’t be part of the upgrade install issues. I’ve been on 7.2 and I still get this issue. Doesn’t happen every time for every client, but often enough. Love this theme, but lately, there have been a lot of issues with the updates pushed out that makes it feel like sufficient testing isn’t being done. With the newest update, there’s a significant WooCommerce bug in the Enfold code.

    Hopefully they right the ship soon.



    @webcitymedia: Did you happen to add the “product purchase button” element in the page?

    @goldengate415: There’s another instance of the “builder_set_debug” function. Please locate the other and remove it.

    @drebosio: Please try to rename the “wp-content” > “plugins” file directory temporarily then recheck the page.

    @pkjd: Please replace the header.php file with this one.


    @kahil: I think we have notified you about the “product purchase button” element. You can find the fix here.


    Best regards,


    No. Have not touched the site in some time.



    Ok. Thank you for the info. We’ll forward the thread to our developers.

    Best regards,

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