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  • #328856

    Hi all,

    after update enfold to version 3.0 there are several issues with Tribe Events Calendar. You wrote in your release notes, that there is a full support for this plugin. So:

    1. I miss the page template selection now. There were some settings for events. Now they are gone. I already asked Tribe for support. They say, it should be there. See forum

    Do enfold override this settings? Why? How can I change the page template for single event? How can I show the sidebar like for blog entries?

    2. I’m not able to add a lightbox to any featured image within single events. I already added new function to add necessary css classes, links etc. But no way. Images open in blank browser windows.

    3. Events list looks a little bit scary… But, ok. I can change the functions for generations. But.. could it be done a little bit nicer by enfold?

    Kindly regards


    Hi Paul!

    Many users who had previously been using the plugin have preferred to turn off the new integration/changes. You can do so by commenting or deleting out this line in your Enfold functions.php file:

    require_once( 'config-events-calendar/config.php' );			//compatibility with the Events Calendar plugin



    Hi Devin,
    any chance it will be fixed without turn off the integration? Page template is one of the core features of wordpress.



    It isn’t something that Kriesi wants to change from what he has mentioned so far. The new styling is how he wanted to integrate it and removing the styling is the preferred method for not using the changes.


    I understand the styling and it looks really good. But… remove the features of other plugin? Really? Sorry, i can’t understand it.


    In aditions to this latest version of Enfold doing the above, it also has some other consequences.

    There is a common code snippet that ‘Event Calendar Pro’ users have been using which allows one to Change all instances of ‘Events’ to ‘Something’. i.e. We have changed every occurrence of “Event/s” to “Class/Classes”.
    The snippet is here;

    // This example replaces "Event" with "Meeting" in all Tribe Plugins text
    // See the codex to learn more about WP text domains:
    // Example Tribe domains: 'tribe-events-calendar', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'...
    add_filter('gettext', 'theme_filter_text', 10, 3);
    function theme_filter_text( $translations, $text, $domain ) {
        // If this text domain starts with "tribe-"
        if(strpos($domain, 'tribe-') === 0) {
                // Replace upper case, lower case, singular, and plural
                $text = str_replace(
                        // Text to search for
                        array('Event', 'event', 'Events', 'events'),
                        // Text to replace it with -- change this for your needs
                        array('Meeting', 'meeting', 'Meetings', 'meetings'),
    	return $text;
    add_filter('ngettext', 'theme_filter_ntext', 10, 5);
    function theme_filter_ntext( $translation, $single, $plural, $number, $domain ) {
    	// If this text domain starts with "tribe-"
        if(strpos($domain, 'tribe-') === 0) {
        	// Replace upper case, lower case, singular, and plural
        	if( $number > 1 ) {
                $plural = str_replace(
                        // Text to search for
                        array('Events', 'events'),
                        // Text to replace it with -- change this for your needs
                        array('Meetings', 'meetings'),
                return $plural;
            } else {
            	 $single = str_replace(
                        // Text to search for
                        array('Event', 'event'),
                        // Text to replace it with -- change this for your needs
                        array('Meeting', 'meeting'),
            	 return $single;

    But when applied to and the latest Kriesi Enfold theme is active it has a strange side effect that renders the WP-backend dysfunctional.

    While solving the problem of replacing the “event/s” instances with another word, it also seems to remove the Published | Drafts | Deleted tabs from the pages, posts, event overview pages in the WP backend.

    Again, this does not effect standard WP theme, nor did it effect earlier versions of Enfold.

    I have tried applying the following code that Devin mentioned above and still experience the same issue.

    require_once( 'config-events-calendar/config.php' );

    This is making wordpress unusable.



    I’ll ask Kriesi to comment on removing the option.

    For the function change to remove the customization, please re-read what I posted:

    Remove that line, don’t add it.



    That makes more sense.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by raineysw.


    Just checked the functions and I think there is something missing. A default return value . If the second function looks like this (I added one line of code at the end) it works with every theme:

    function theme_filter_ntext( $translation, $single, $plural, $number, $domain ) {
    	// If this text domain starts with "tribe-"
        if(strpos($domain, 'tribe-') === 0) {
        	// Replace upper case, lower case, singular, and plural
        	if( $number > 1 ) {
                $plural = str_replace(
                        // Text to search for
                        array('Events', 'events'),
                        // Text to replace it with -- change this for your needs
                        array('Meetings', 'meetings'),
                return $plural;
            } else {
            	 $single = str_replace(
                        // Text to search for
                        array('Event', 'event'),
                        // Text to replace it with -- change this for your needs
                        array('Meeting', 'meeting'),
            	 return $single;
        return $single;


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