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  • #183068


    is it possible to use your testimonial-slider with a fixed height and an excerpt after maybe 150 letters ?

    Also for the grid ?

    Want to insert them in our page with a fixed height, impartial from the length of the written text…




    Please post a link to the page where you have your Testimonial Slider.




    here you can see what I mean in the sidebar. These are examples. It would be very nice if there is the possibility to fix the height and make the rest of the text scrollable or anything like this. Want to use it in Frontpage eg. but I need them as fixed elements…

    Best regards



    That would need to be added in as a new feature with a theme update.

    What you would need to do is target the container for that specific element and then setting the testimonial height manually with css:

    .avia-slider-testimonials .avia-testimonial-content {
        height: 100px;

    Just keep in mind this will not automatically adjust for any responsive changes with the width of the container so you would also need to add in the same thing with either a bigger height or smaller depending on the content to the custom.css file into the pre-written media queries we have there for desktop/mobile.

    Since the page above is in coming soon mode I can’t target that specific item as is.

    Best regards,



    Sometimes it´s so easy! But one more question, please.

    To use this cuts the testimonial complete if the height is reach… Is there a solution that give us the possibility to scroll down the text for the fixed height testimonial, or is there a chance to use Testimonials with an excerpt?

    Best regards,



    You would need to adjust the height for the max height of the testimonials for that section.

    But no, there is no excerpt option.


    Hey, I thought there is a possibility to set a filter or a function, but ok. Please notice it for one of the next updates… :)

    Thank you! Please close..


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