i try to use different plugins – some of them work nice but often the field (Copyright notice in Enfold Options) does not have an effekt.
f.e. the email address encoder does not have effect on that field. i often use this copyright info in the footer to place an email contact.
the plugin author says if theme supports the add filter option it might be solved via:
add_filter($tag, 'eae_encode_emails');
but what did i use for $tag in this case ?
i thought that this will do the trick in functions.php of child theme:
add_filter('copyright', 'eae_encode_emails');
but no success
Hey Guenter,
Please try using following code
add_filter($copyright, 'eae_encode_emails');
Best regards,
Thanks – but it does not work in the footer. (Copyright Input Field of Enfold Footer Options Dialog)
In Socket – Widgets it works – even without that filter setting.
Please add following code to functions.php file in Appearance > Editor
function new_nolink(){
$kriesi_at_backlink = " - <a href='mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) '> (Email address hidden if logged out) </a>";
return $kriesi_at_backlink;
add_filter( "kriesi_backlink", 'eae_encode_emails' );
This worked for me
Best regards,
oh wow – i do not expect this could be solved. Thanks again for that solution.
Happy it got solved!
Let us know if we can help with any other way! :-)