After updating to Enfold 4.6 (and then 4.6.1), Google Analytics does not get activated unless the user accepts the cookie consent message and then loads the same or another page. Disabling Google Analytics before the cookie consent is correct as per GDPR requirements but, for single-page websites (and I guess also other types of sites), right after the user accepts the cookie consent message, Google Analytics should be enabled (and the pageview event should be sent), or at least the page should be automatically reloaded. Otherwise, as it is, the site with Enfold will never record the user’s visit on the page with Google Analytics, even if the user provides his/her consent!
Is there a way to achieve this on 4.6.1?
Thanks in advance for your help,
After updating 4.6 and 4.6.1 google anlalytics tracking doesn´t work. Always 0 visitors.
Is it possible to step back to the last theme version before 4.6? Where can I get the version.?
Thank you for the inquriy.
We’ll forward your concern to the dev team. For now, you can modify the themes\enfold\js\avia-snippet-cookieconsent.js, look for this code around line 95:
aviaSetCookieToggles( 'set' );
Below, add this script to reload the page:
Best regards,
Thank you guys! I think you can consider this ticket closed.
Best Regards,
Best regards,