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  • #1345064

    Hi, on some sites is big white space under fullwidth easy slider. After reloading or waiting a while it might dismisses. Is it because of loading or cache or ….?
    How to get rid of that white space?

    Here are some examples:


    Hey tammiviestinta,

    I see that some resources on your site is minified/cached, could you try clearing that to see if it helps please? If not, then please try to temporarily deactivate it.

    We would appreciate if you could send us login details in each thread, so that we don’t have to go through your old threads in order to find login details.

    Best regards,


    Here are login details to 3 sites.


    Thanks for your patience, this issue is due to the Smush lazy load option, this issue is known to Smush and they have told Smush Pro users that they are working on it. For now please disable this feature until Smush is able to correct it. We can’t not modify a plugin error at the theme level, it must be done within the plugin files.

    Best regards,


    Thank you so much! I disabled Smush and now it is working well.



    Great, I’m glad that Mike could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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