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  • #1414255

    In my effort to get a client site up to wcag standards, ARC Toolkit gives med the following warning.
    The list contains empty

  • elements. This is i reference to social media icons to the right of the menu and the same two icons in the socket.
    I mean, the list is not really empty, it has a link and an icon, so why do this get a warning?


Hey Advantage09,

Thank you for the inquiry.

The items in the list contain text, so this warning could potentially be a false positive. However, the texts are hidden by default, which could be the reason why the tool considered the items in the list as empty. You might be able to get rid of this warning by adding this css code.

#top .avia_hidden_link_text {
    display: block;
    opacity: 0;

Best regards,

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