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  • #1359522

    Hi Enfold-Support,

    on this page, for example: there is an empty section with the ID “after_section_3” but there is no section implemented in the backend.

    Its not only on this page. Heres another example:

    Here are Screenshots from the frontend and backend. I styled the section in red in the dev tool for demonstration purposes. It hasn’t a color, actually.

    Thanks in advance

    Kind regards



    Hey emilconsor,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Did you add any elements after the last section or before the footer page? Please provide the login details in the private field so that we can check and edit the pages.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    login credentials in private area.

    We also discovered that if we turn off the sidebar for that page manually, the after_section_3 is gone. So I think it has something to do with the sidebar settings. But we already disabled the sidebar in the theme options.

    Kind regards



    Hi emilconsor,

    We apologize for the delayed response.
    And thanks for providing us with access to your staging/dev site.
    I tried to replicate the same issue on my end by creating the teams custom post type using CPT-UI, copying your sidebar settings in theme options as well as copying the content in your teams however I could not replicate the same issue.
    I tried also to deactivate plugins as it is the only difference left on your site and on my end however I forgot that the child theme requires some of the plugin in order to work thus causing a critical error on the staging site. Can you try to deactivate all plugins and see if one or some of it may be causing the addition of the after_section.

    Best regards,

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