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  • #649681


    We received a video link from a newspaper organisation in Switzerland. We are only allowed to show on our website the part where we are mentioned/featured, as the whole documentary is only available as a paid option.

    I was able to embed it via the Avia Layout Builder but only the whole video, I don’t see any option to cut it…. Is there anyway to tell the video to start at a certain time stamp and stop at a certain time stamp?

    Below the link to the video. Would appreciate your help as the publisher only provides the link to the whole video but doesn’t allow us to show it in its entirety.

    Thanks & kindest Regards,


    Is it a link to the server of them or do they share it via Youtube or Vimeo ?

    If not try to download the video and cut it in a video editing software. This is the best way i think due to performance reasons than and if you embed it you share the link to that video. And this might get trouble with law if it is commercial video.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Guenni007.

    Hi Guenni007

    Thanks so much for getting back to me. We do have the permission from the film maker (as long as we only use the section we are featured in and link back to the full version on the site where you can purchase it). Unfortunately the weblink with the HD film is all he’s given us… we cannot download the video…

    I know it’s very very slow… I just tried to watch the whole thing.

    Thanks for your support.



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    : Yes, the best solution is to download the video then cut the part that you need. You can download the video from here: http://nzzwebshop01.tvnzzshop.ch/media/video/mp4/1608_Zuerich_DL.mp4

    NOTE: The video is 1.7gb which is a bit too large for web use.

    Best regards,


    Hi Isamel

    Okay great, thank you so much… I only just figured out the right mouse click “download video”…oh my…. you can tell I never worked with videos before.
    I will have to figure out how to edit it ;-) …. but thanks so much for all your help. It is much appreciated.

    All the best,


    Hi Corina,

    Great, glad you got it figured out :-)

    Best regards,

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