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  • #898082

    I am getting unreliable results from SOME visitors visiting this page:

    What seems to happen is the most messages are forwarded correctly as emails. But some people I KNOW have sent messages are NOT being received.

    I have asked the hosting company to check their systems but they say everything is working ok.

    Do you have any ideas what might be causing unreliable delivery from contact forms?



    PS. The known person sending the message is not blacklisted and his emails are not in the spam folder



    Can you please install the plugin called WPSMTP and let us know th results from there please?

    Best regards,


    Sorry. The client wants me to stop spending time sorting this out.

    The only way I can test this is to use my own website, but there isn’t a problem with emails not getting through on that – as far as I know!

    I will give it a try anyway. Which of the many WPSMTP plug ins do you recommend?


    I have tried this on a test website. it seems to be a much better solution.

    Thank you for your suggestion.



    Great, so you got the problem fixed? Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    I don’t know. The client doesn’t want me to do any more work on it.

    Thank you for the pointer though. I will install this instead next time.

    Thanks for your help.


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