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  • #1339850

    I am using Enfold theme with Avia Layout Editor. Further, I am using the contact form from the theme template and adapted the settings to my needs.

    Under contact form > content > backend I have entered my desired email address in the following fields: Your Email Address, From Address/Sender´s Address, From Address/Sender´s Address of the Automatic Reply

    The Problem is that the email (that is correctly sent via the contact form to my desired email address) provides in the From Field (inside < >, depending on mail program also “mailto: ” ) the admin email address instead of the configured email address.

    The admin email should not be shown/provided in any way within such email information. How can the admin email information been removed and instead the configured email been shown?
    I am using the contact form in 6 cases, and it is always the same.

    Please assist. Thank you.


    Hey mebi,
    Thank you for your patience, I see that you are using Version:, I tried to recreate this issue on our current version and was not able to recreate so I recommend updating to the current version.
    Here is how I tested, I used a different address for each field describing the field used:
    and I used (Email address hidden if logged out) as the contact form email, ie. the visitors email:
    the email sent from the Autoresponder only shows the two Autoresponder address:
    and the email sent to “you” the admin has the Reply-To as the contact’s email:
    since this test was with the default WordPress PHP Mailer the only thing I can imagine is that either there was a bug in that version or you are using a SMTP plugin which is directing the emails through your mail server which is changing the email due to the server’s policies to combat spam, which if that is the reason you will have to talk to your web host as we can’t control them.
    From the above test you can see that using the current theme with a new install the Autoresponder doesn’t show the admin email address.

    Best regards,

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