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  • #1260723

    Hi, after updated the woocommerce on my website, it has come with a few issues, i contacted woocommerce support and they said to contact theme developers, my mail order sends through all details except the actual order overview on what the client bought, please could you look into this for me? as all is looking fine my side, ive tested the mail myself and its not working correctly , i was using the default mail system on woocommerce, ive even tried using a new mailer Email Customizer Plus and nothing changed…



    Hey tristen1,

    Do you have an SMTP plugin installed? It is recommended to use such a plugin.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria i just installed the SMTP and configured it and the mailer is still not working correctly? please could you take a look because I cant see anything wrong I’m really not sure why this is happening…

    Kind Regards


    Hi tristen1,

    Are you getting a test email when you send it from the plugins settings page?

    Best regards,

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