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  • #1135337

    Hi, this has only happened since the latest update 4.6, when i get emails from a contact form, it always shows the senders email address, but now it just says no-reply@mydomain and there is no way to see the email address, any ideas? :-)


    UPDATE, i have submitted contact forms from computers and the email address appears fine, but when i use an iphone or ipad to submit the contact form, this is when no-reply@mydomain etc is showing, hope this helps… :-)


    i have the same problem on my iPhone.
    I can send a Message from the contact form without an Email Adress. Even though the field is empty it is checked as valid (green Color).


    Hi all,

    Please have a look at the following thread:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Victoria, unfortunately, the problem is not about the reply-to address. As mentioned in other threads, the contact form ignores the email field being mandatory on mobile devices, hence allowing to send the contact form without it.

    This really is a major issue, as per GDPR, you aren’t allowed to force site visitors to enter more than one contact info (i.e. additional phone number when alrady entered email address), thus rendering website owners incapable of responding/replying to inquiries sent through the contact form!


    Hi fkmediaworks,

    Please replace your /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/contact/contact.js with the file below.

    Best regards,


    I can’t seem to find any “file below” – am I looking in the wrong place?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by fkmediaworks.

    Hi fkmediaworks,

    It’s only visible to moderators and to the original poster, please open a new thread so that we can share it with you in private. Also make sure that you are running the latest version of the theme (4.6.2).

    Best regards,




    i had the same issue : email required on computer for sending message from contact form but not on ios or android.

    Temporarily resolved by changing the email option which was “must be a valid email adress” with “must be a valid email adress with special character” or “must not be empty”




    This problem is fixed in 4.6.2.

    Please update, clear server cache and clear browser cache on mobile ( !!!! ).

    Best regards,


    Hi Günter,
    thanks a lot!!!
    4.6.2 didn’t show up automatically yet, but I was able to manually search for it and perform the update.
    Works now, as far as I can tell!



    Thank you for the update!

    Best regards,

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