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  • #1438240

    it’s been several days that I haven’t been able to update a page, as whenever I make any changes and update the page, elements and parts of the page itself get deleted. Why is that happening? I’ll send the access details in private content for you to review and possibly run tests.
    I have already tried clearing the cache through the hosting and also by installing the dedicated plugin. Furthermore, I have deactivated all plugins, but the issue persists.

    I look forward to your response and thank you in advance.

    • This topic was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by Qgrafica_7.


    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Did you add any HTML tags or scripts in the page content? Please make sure that there are no invalid tags and that they are all properly closed. Otherwise, they may break the layout of the page and result in content being stripped on update.



    thank you for your reply but unfortunately, I don’t see any invalid HTML tags or scripts. Could you confirm by accessing with the provided credentials? Thank you very much.



    Thanks for the update. On which page are you having this problem?

    Best regards,


    In the private content, I’ll send you the link to the page.

    thank you very much



    Thanks for the clarification. I copied the shortcodes of the page in question to a test page, please see private. Adding content to the test page seems to be working as expected, could you let us know how to reproduce the problem you are seeing on your end please?

    Best regards,


    Hi and thank you.
    The problem is still there, if you see the page i linked in the private data, you can see it ends with a contact form on the bottom. If you enter the editor and change even a single random text (delete a random character inside any text) and update, some content on the bottom of the page disappears (from the text “SCEGLI TU COME RIMANERE IN FORMA” onward it all disappears). The only way to go back is via rolling back the revision.
    The test page you created works but it lacks content unlike the original page.
    You can do tests directly on the mentioned page.



    Thank you for the info.

    The second strong tag in the Special Heading element is not closed properly.

    </strong> Cosa stai aspettando< strong >?</strong >
    Scegli < strong >tu</strong> come rimanere in forma< strong >. 

    The br tag should also have its own closing tag.

    </strong> Cosa stai aspettando< strong >?</strong>< br >< /br >Scegli < strong >tu< /strong > come rimanere in forma< /strong >. 

    If you’re wondering about the spaces before or after < >, we just added them so that the forum doesn’t render them as HTML.

    Best regards,

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