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  • #1150540


    We’re using Enfold child and when I added a read more button (code below) the size of the element gives what looks like more margin if I scroll it out of sight.

    function ava_custom_script_mod(){
    $(window).on(‘av-height-change’, function() {
    $(‘.av-masonry-entry’).each(function() {
    var more = $(this).find(‘.av-masonry-read-more’);
    var cont = $(this).find(‘.av-inner-masonry-content-pos’);

    if( more.length == 1 ) return;
    $(‘<div class=”av-masonry-read-more”>Les mer</div>’).insertAfter(cont);
    add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘ava_custom_script_mod’);


    Hey tekniskakari,

    Thank you for the update.

    We don’t really see the unintended margin around or in the load more button. Could you provide a screenshot of the issue? You can upload the screen capture to imgur or dropbox, then post the link here.

    Best regards,


    We got that sorted out by using something else, however the posts on left side are clickable outside their “borders”. See private reply. We’re also trying to increase the spacing between the posts, both the horizontal spacing between and the vertical. When increasing a little bit the right row disappears and get pushed into the left row. How can we increase the spacing? Do we have to increase the spacing of the websites border?



    Thank you for the update.

    You applied a margin to a container that is inside the link tag, so the empty space or margin is still within the link’s bounds. Try to replace this code..

    #top .av-large-gap.av-flex-size .av-masonry-entry .av-inner-masonry {
    	margin-right: 55px !important;
    	margin-bottom: 55px !important;

    .. with the following css:

    .av-masonry-entry.av-masonry-item-loaded {
    	margin-bottom: 55px !important;
    #top .av-large-gap.av-flex-size .av-masonry-entry .av-inner-masonry {
    	margin-right: 55px !important;

    Best regards,

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