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  • #1033088

    Guten Tag,

    auf unserer neuen Webseite die wir mit enfold aufgebaut haben funktionieren einige Elemente nicht mehr:

    – der Content lädt erst beim runter und wieder hoch scrollen (Icons sind eig. auf Pop-up eingestellt) / andere Elemente laden garnicht mehr.
    – Bei den blauen Boxen auf den Unterseiten springen die Elemente an den Rand der Box (sollten natürlich mittig stehen).

    Können Sie uns vielleicht sagen woran das liegt? Wir würden uns sehr freuen wenn sie eine Lösung für das Problem finden.

    Liebe Grüße,

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Lars.

    Hey Lars_Posiadlo,

    It loads fine on my end. Could you please clear the cache, check again.

    Can you please make a small screencast of the issue?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Browser cache was deleted. WP does not have a cache plugin. Problem exists.

    If you load the page first time (clear caching – Firefox with Ctrl + Shift + R) all right, the elements under the layer slider are fully loaded (VideoProblem1a)
    But if you than load the page with F5 again, the elements under the layer slider will not load (VideoProblem1b)

    After disabling integrated (bundled) LayerSlider plugin, the page loads properly. (VideoProblem1c)

    So the problem is the plugin layer slider.

    2nd problem would be seen under the page reference. By the blue boxes on the undersides, the elements jump to the edge of the box (should be in the middle) (VideoProblem2)

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Lars.

    Hi Lars_Posiadlo,

    There are no obvious errors, seem like the animation just fires late, the elements fade in when they are scrolled passed them to the bottom.

    Best regards,


    We solved the problem in a different way. It was not enfold. Can you please delete this conversation. Thanks
    Best regards,


    Hi Lars,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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