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  • #820714

    Hello, the elegant theme grid does not work well in the archieve page: I have put the instructions in a image file , what i wish to show and what i do not whant to show in the archieve pages
    can I sand you this?


    Hey sacha,

    Yes, you can sand it to a service like google drive or dropbox and then link to it here.

    Best regards,


    ok , in the green color , there is what I wich. in red color what i do not want. Many thanks !!



    I’m unable to preview the image with instructions. If you still have any issue please upload a screenshot/mockup to and share the link here so we can help you better :)

    Best regards,


    ok , try here . Thanks

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    hello … is there anybody to solve my problem ?


    how many time take in order to have a reply ?
    I need to solve this problem urgently Please …


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    What you need to do is to remove those elements.
    If you need to modify the output of the theme, you will have to consider hiring a freelancer who will be able to
    help you out with any issues instantly.

    Thank you very much for your time and patience

    Best regards,

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