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  • #1365537

    Seit heute wird bei mehreren mit Enfold erstellten Webseiten unter den Beiträgen ‘Eintrag teilen -> Telegram ‘ mit Buton und Telegram-Icon angezeigt, obwohl sämtliche Teilen-Opztonen ausgeschaltet sind. Erst beim Aktivieren und anschließenden Deaktivieren einer anderen Teilen-Option (per E-Mail) verschwindet die Telgram-Meldung wieder. Ist das Theme korrumpiert worden?



    Thanks for contacting us!

    You can go to Enfold theme options and simply save it and Telegram icon would disappear if it is unchecked in theme options.

    Alternatively, you can replace the content /enfold/includes/helper-social-media.php file with this one – in Appearance > Theme Editor.

    We are going to add a check in upcoming version so icon will not show up unless it is enabled in theme options :)

    Best regards,


    hey yigit, thanks for the information. the telegram icon should be set to disabled by default when the theme got updated.
    i can understand togetherconcept´s worries about telegram. this messenger is not necessarily known as a reputable platform :-D.
    i was shocked and thought the same as i updated my sites.
    all new share-platforms should be disabled by default. you know, some people have more then one enfold-licenses ;-)


    Hi @volmering,

    You are absolutely right, Telegram icon should not have displayed as long as it is disabled without needing to save theme options but somehow we missed it during our tests. We have added a check for it which will be included in upcoming version so this will not be necessary any longer :)

    Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Best regards,

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