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  • #333597

    There’s something really funky about my Enfold.

    Sometimes, Advanced Layout Editor won’t load fully
    Sometimes the editor opens, but the content section under the different layout options keeps loading and loading until infinity. This situation sometimes gets fixed by choosing another tab in the editor and hitting enter in the address bar, making it redload the page.

    Most of the time, Advanced Layout Editor won’t load at all
    This is the situation I’m in currently. I can’t get it to load at all. Clicking on the button “Advanced Layout Editor”, shifts the page down a little, but nothing else happens.

    Shortcodes menu opens but doesn’t work
    But in the window that opens, where I can enter content to a Toggle Accordion, for example, clicking on each element to edit text, doesn’t do anything. I can drag & drop the order, I can use the dropdowns that say “Align icons left or right”, but the Save or editing don’t work.

    This affects other Wordpres buttons, too, like the Add Media button. It only adds # to the address bar. But doesn’t load.

    What I’ve tried already:

    • WordPress is up to date, WordPress 4.0, was installed with a 1-click install
    • Enfold is up to date
    • I’ve emptied and re-emptied my caches, and even rebooted my computer a few times, and ran CleanMyMac
    • I’ve tried with Chrome Version 38.0.2125.101 and also Firefox, Safari (both in newest versions)
    • I’ve installed updates to OSX Mavericks
    • I’ve tried this on another computer with older versions of OSX and web browsers
    • I’ve asked the support from the web host, they did something to help increase WordPress processing speed
    • I’ve tried fiddling with the address of the page, taking the # or “avia” or “editor” to somehow force it to load the editor differently
    • It just does not work at all now.
      Before, it was spotty, most pages would take 4-5 tries to get it to load up the editor.
      Now it won’t do it at all. None of the buttons respond to clicking on them, nor does it even load or spin after clicking on it.

      I have some addons in my Chrome, but since the problem persists in all browser, don’t think that’s the issue.
      Only other apps I’ve got running are Creative Cloud, Arq (backup software), Dropbox, Hangouts, and while not an app, I do have a Wacom tablet driver also running. But that’s it. And the browser.

      This is for a client. Their old site is at the root.
      This is the new site I’m working on:


    If you have Akismet installed, try deactivating it. I have been fighting with a site all day and found that after deactivating the kismet plugin, everything started to function again.


    Disabled Akismet and Jetpack. Didn’t help.
    Thanks for the tip, though!



    Try adding the following at the bottom of wp-config.php in your wordpress root folder

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M' );

    If that does not work, add the following line to your .htaccess file in the root folder of your wordpress install:

    php_value max_execution_time 300

    Best regards,




    I haven’t been able to fully fix this issue, but I’ve found a workaround.
    In order to force the editor to load, you have to enter the Avia code to the page url.

    So if editing a page, and it won’t load the editor, I enter this at the end of the page url: &action=edit#avia-tab-2
    And hit enter to make it reload the page. This will allow the blue editor button to be clicked, and will load the fancy editor.

    I have to do this every single time when editing the page, is to click on tabs 2 or 3, and hit enter to make it reload, otherwise it’s just loading and loading and loading.

    Similar issues exist within the other pages, like the Widget page. There I need to add “#available-widgets” to the end and reload the page. Then the widget panels will actually open.

    There’s also something funky with how the media panels work, but I haven’t yet figured out how to make it consistently work. So I just open it so many times that it finally opens the “normal view”. The problem with the media tool is that it opens this “bare” HTML view, where each image would need to be opened separately, to see them, and drag&drop uploads aren’t possible.

    When I try it enough times, it opens the more standard media viewer with preview thumbnails etc.

    But yeah, this sucks, big time.

    It takes SOOO much time just editing anything. And it feels silly to keep a text file with the different codes available for pasting in…


    And I’ve tried all the suggestions on this topic, and things the hosts support has suggested. To no avail.



    You are currently using Enfold 2.8,1 which is not compatible with WordPress 4.0, please update Enfold to the latest version 3.0.2 via FTP –



    Hi Kriesi
    I have similar problems: can not open the advanced editor, especially with a page including a grid row.
    I use
    enfold 3.0.4
    wordpress 4.1
    windows 8.1
    all plugins deactivated
    tried to open the editor from other desk – also not possible
    Please can anyone help?
    Thanks in advance.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by leftm.


    Do you mind posting a link to your website? We may need temporary admin login as well

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Yigit.
    This reply has been marked as private.


    Sorry, edited my post. Please try de-activating all active plugins and check if that helps?

    Best regards,


    I only have 1 plugin installed – “duplicate post” – this I have deactivated,
    same results, can not open the editor only for this aboce page. Now it seems that I can not see the page at front end…



    Can you please try re-updating the theme via FTP and make sure to overwrite all files –
    Some files seem to be broken, re-updating the theme via FTP should fix it


    This reply has been marked as private.


    If you have not made any changes on theme files, nothing will change on your website. If you have made changes, they will be overwritten.



    no, only at quick CSS



    They are safe as well. You can go ahead and update the theme.

    Best regards,


    Hi again,
    done, All files are overwritten. I started new and it looks unchanged.
    The only page which is not allowed to open the avia Editor has a grid row element. Further there are 209 revisions on that page…
    Could you please forward?



    Hi Yigit,
    may be it helps – The last was I did, I implemented a picture in a textblock within the grid row.
    Do you have an idea?


    Hi Yigit,
    after I duplicated the mentioned strange GRID ROW page I could open it with AVIA EDITOR in the draft mode.
    After delete the ORIGINAL I placed the copy renamed on this place and it works like before.
    I think that is not the real solution but it works! :)

    Best regards



    Glad you figured it out!
    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –
    And if there are features that you wish Enfold had, you can request them and vote the requested ones here –
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to post them here on the forum and we will gladly try to help you :)


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