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  • #1011489


    I’m using Enfold with WooCommerce. Rather than use the standard WooCommerce Product page layout I’d like to use the Enfold Advanced Editor. I created a Product Template page and saved it as a Template. Is there a way to Edit the Template directly and apply those changes to every product page that was created using that template? I don’t want to have to go through each product page and make the same change to each product page.

    Tech level: I’m comfortable with CSS (and possibly WooCommerce shortcodes) but don’t know php so I’m looking for an easier solution than changing the base code for a template.

    Thank you!


    Hey jgdoyle1,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    It’s not possible with the builder template but you can use the “Page Content” element to display the content of a particular page or post. Every page or post that contains this element will display the content of the selected page or post. It basically works as a global template.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, Ismael. This is a great tip to keep in mind. However, it won’t allow me to create a structural template using the Advanced Layout Builder and be able to change the text, images and other content for each Product individually.

    It seems I would need to change the WooCommerce template via php or other WooCommerce drag-drop plugin to update the Default Product Template that applies to all products’ layout. Am I thinking correctly on this or am I missing something about the use of the “Page Content” element?

    Thank you.
    – John



    Yes, you’re correct. You can’t use the Page Content element if you need to change the content for each product individually. You may need to use a template but you can’t edit a particular template once it’s saved.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, Ismael, for all your clarity. I appreciate it.
    – John



    You’re welcome! Please feel free to open a new thread if you need anything else. I hope that we could be of more help next time. :)

    Best regards,

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