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  • #1348933


    When I try to edit pages with code blocks the spinning wheel never goes away. This behavior started just recently, other than doing usual updates to WordPress and theme I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary and everything else seems to function OK. Any ideas?




    Hey jim-cp,
    Thank you for your patience, in some cases javascript in code block elements will try to execute in the backend when external scripts are called or iframes are loaded in the script, it’s not common but I believe that I recall a situation like you are describing.
    Try creating a shortcode for the form’s script in your functions.php and then add the shortcode to your code block, this should solve.

    Best regards,


    I can try to use shortcodes instead of using the JS code, but right now I can’t edit any of those pages because the spinning wheel never goes away and I can’t even click in the editor area. How do you suggest we solve that problem? This seems to happen only with code blocks containing javascript.


    Try Enabling the Avia Layout Builder Debugger and see if the page shortcode is visible at the bottom of the page while the spinning wheel is happening, if so try to copy the shortcode to create a new page and remove the code blocks before saving.
    Or activate one of the WordPress default themes and view the backend with the Classic Editor the page shortcode should be showing for you to copy to a plain text document.
    Then switch back to the Enfold theme and create a new page with the shortcode and remove the code blocks before saving.

    Best regards,



    Thank you, the debugger solution actually works to revive the pages and I was able to make the shortcode work through functions.php as well.




    Hi Alptekin,

    I’m glad that Mike could help you :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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