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  • #762049

    Please help, I am trying to edit my Contact Us page, and the Avia layout builder just hangs, not allowing me to edit. I am able to edit on all other pages., it just doesn’t seem to finish loading on the COntact page. I have updated Enfold and WordPress to current versions.
    Thank you.


    Hey jwestfall,

    Did you try following the suggestions listed here?

    If none of them work then please post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,



    I have encountered the same problem as the previous contributor. The Avia Layout Builder would not load and the home page could not be edited. The Home Page then broke and will not load – Our home page is completely gone now.

    I checked the forum and downloaded the instructions above. I have a WordPress specialist helping me and his comments follow :

    1. we are running the latest copy of the theme, just re-uploaded a fresh copy now
    2. we cleared the browser cache as well as the Cloudflare cache and any other caches
    3. we tried on multiple browsers: Chrome and Firefox
    4. we renamed all plugins to plugin-name-disabled to deactivate them
    5. as above, we overwrote the theme files with a fresh copy

    Please help. I have no home page right now!


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by DisappearInk.

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for the detailed description of your problem. The login details are not working unfortunately, could you check and verify please?

    Best regards,


    I have tried all of the suggestions above, but the Contact Page still does not allow editing. As suggested in your email, I will send admin login.

    Thank you.



    Thanks for that. You are getting a 406 error on a WordPress file, please see private for more info. Could you ask you hosting provider why you are getting that error please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Cannot see the Private Message details from your last post.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by DisappearInk.

    Hi Peter,

    Sorry about that, only the original poster can see information in private. I’ve emailed you the error message.

    Best regards,


    Hello. Site5 says they fixed the 406 error issue. I’m unsure how I confirm that – but maybe you can. The pages are still hanging on Avia Layout Builder when we try to edit a page – contact for example. Await your direction. Thank you!


    Hi @jwestfall,

    The builder is loading now on my end, so I think the problem is fixed. Did you try clearing your browser cache and do a hard reload? Checking in a different browser might helps as well.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, all set!



    Glad that it’s fixed :)

    Best regards,

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