Tagged: form fields
I know that we can do some modifications to some form fields like the subject, etc…but what about any other field? My need is simple, adding a dollar sign ($) in front of what gets mailed for a specific field. I tried the following…but it didn’t work. I based in on what is used to modify the subject.
// add dollar sign to field
if ( is_page( 'quote-request' ) ) {
$budget = '$'. urldecode($new_post['3_1']);
return $budget;
Is there a specific function something like this has to be passed through? The end result would be when someone puts something like…350 into the field, it is emailed to read “$350”. As a feature request, I guess would be that we could designate a field in the builder as numbers only and/or currency. Both would be a simple designation to add and would allow us to build more advanced forms without the need to install yet another plugin.
Hey Kahil,
Here is a list with anything we have for the forms and you can use!
let us know if you need anything else
Best regards,