Tagged: woocommerce
How can I edit the css for the elements in the cart dropdown link in the upper left corner. As the elements just come up when mouse over, I am not able to select them in Google developer tools in Chrome, just the cart icon.
See… https://dakiniasart.org/cart/
(You may have to add something first – you can buy it if you want :P)
I am wanting to change the size of product name to larger, and the size for the product add-on (ie type of fine art paper) smaller, as the first is most significant. I am not able to figure out what the css selectors are for these specifically, so it does not adjust anything else on the site.
If you can advise how to select these specific items to stylize, or instruct how to have a hover pop-up open and stay open to select with Google dev tools, that is most appreciated.