Tagged: enfold
Using Enfold theme and wondering if there is a way to edit an already saved Avia Layout Builder Template and have those edits apply site wide wherever that template is used. I have tried and also researched but can’t seem to find an answer.
I understand what you want, but unfortunately that’s not possible because the templates is based on Shortcodes, which stores like normal content.
Best regards,
can these short codes be changed in the database?
as i have just added a template to 100 pages and noticed a code error so have to go back and change 100 pages!
What is the error? You can save the layout as Template and then apply it on those pages. If you want to change the markup of a certain shortcode, you need to modify the shortcode files inside the config-templatebuilder > aviashortcode folder but it’s not advisable because the modification will be erased once you update the theme.