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  • #563934


    1 – Easy slider : is it possible to spread text on the slider (caption title and caption text) equal, thus that both have the same length, unless the caption text might be shorter.

    Its difficult to explain, my client wants the transparent background of title and text be aligned. I tried to ad a blanc space in the caption text >   but this did not work.

    2 – On the mobile version : is it possible just to keep the “caption title” and not the “caption text”?


    without seeing a playground (your site or demo-site) it is hard to give you the right instruction.
    the css attribut for that is “letter-spacing”

    perhaps you can set the whole block to a special-class ( caption title and text) to show text in justify option

    .special-class { hyphens: auto; 
            text-align: justify
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Guenni007.


    Thank you for using Enfold.

    1.) Maybe a screenshot of the slider layout will help.

    2.) Use css media queries. Something like this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .avia-caption-content {
        display: none;




    Thank you, we’ll try the 2nd solution first.

    Best, AB



    Please do so and let us know so we can mark the thread as resolved or assist you further :)

    Best regards,

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