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  • #248762

    Hi and thank you for the great theme, for the most part. I have an important question for photographers. Regarding Easy Sliders, or really any ENFOLD sliders. – is there a way to Scale (shrink) images so they fit on the screen, without cropping them and losing half the image?? I dont want my models to loss their heads when they are tall.

    The only option I found is use the Full size no scale option, but then the images are often way to big to fit in one page.

    I do not want to have to resize and reload ALL my images multiple times, for various sliders. Also doing so would take away detail I want visible if the client decides to open the image in a large Lightroom box.

    Any suggestion??


    Hi steveinz!

    Already answer here,

    Please do not open multiple questions of the same topic.


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