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  • #1066029

    Hi, I would like to have the title, description and navigation controls visible all of the time
    in Easy Slider. How might I disable the hover effect?

    Thank you


    Hey MeghanNathanson,

    Try adding this css code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):

    #top .avia-slideshow-inner .av-slideshow-caption, 
    #top .avia-slideshow-inner .avia-inner-caption,
    #top .avia-slideshow-controls * {
        opacity: 1 !important;
        visibility: visible !important;

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    Thanks so much but this did not work.
    Can you take a look again?

    I have to click off of the slide show for the caption to appear. We’d like
    it to change with the image and stay put with no hover.

    Appreciate your time. Link in the private content section.


    Also, how might I change the color for the caption title? As you can see, we lose it in slide 2.



    Hi MeghanNathanson,

    I have checked your site and it works since the navigation controls are visible at all times on your site without having to hover over it.
    You can add this code for the caption title in the 2nd slide:

    #top.home #wrap_all .avia-slideshow .slide-2 h2.avia-caption-title {
        color: white;

    Best regards,


    Thank you Nikko. But the title still disappears. Is there any way to remove the hover for the title?


    Hi MeghanNathanson,

    Please add this css code as well:

    #top.home #wrap_all .avia-slideshow .active-slide .avia-slide-wrap {
        display: block;

    Best regards,

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