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  • #355942

    it seems that i have a problem with the easyslider i set on my homepage.
    I haven’t done any change, but still it has desappered. It is disturbing, the settings haven’t changed.
    I really don’t get what might have happend. Wp is up to date, the theme is uptodate…
    Do you have any idea what could be happening?
    My website is if you want to check.


    Hey cisqo!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    I’m sorry but you’re using an old version of the theme. 3.0, which is not compatible with WordPress 4.0. Please download the latest version 3.0.4 from your themeforest account then update the theme via FTP. Please refer to this link for more info:



    Ok, thx,
    but it is weird things changes without any changes from me isn’t it?
    it does’nt look stable.
    Plus after the update, now the sidebar goes all the way up to the menu?
    What has changes?



    You currently have that page set to a transparent header. That setting is usually combined with a color section with an image or color background. It looks like your wanting to set it back to No transparency.


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