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  • #1081559

    Is there an easier way to have each slide image “Apply Link to Image”, instead of having to click on each image and then select “Apply Link to Image”? I have a ton of images in the Easy Slider and it takes forever to click on each image and choose this option. Thanks!


    “Apply Link to Image” and then “Open Image in Lightbox”



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    That is possible, but you have to modify the config-templatebuilder > aviashortcodes > slideshow > slideshow.php file. Look for this code around line 227:

    "name" 	=> __("Apply a link to the slide?", 'avia_framework' ),

    Below that line, look for this code:

    "std" 	=> "",

    Set the “std” value to “image”.

    "std" 	=> "image",

    The “Image Link?” std can then be set to “lightbox”. You can find that code around line 251:

    "std" 	=> ""),

    Replace it with:

    "std" 	=> "lightbox"),

    Best regards,

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