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  • #970878

    Easy eslider full width only looks in desktop

    It doesn´t look on moblile or tablet

    It has a vimeo video


    Hey Ramiro,

    Could you post a link to the page in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    You have the link in the private content.

    The full width easy slide works fine in desktop, but it doesn´t look in mobile and tablet.

    I didn´t touch anything on the screen settings of the slider, so I don´t know why it doesn´t look on the mobiles and tablets.


    As you can´t see the slider on the mobile, I put a photo in its place.

    But I want the slider to be seen.



    Thanks for that, the slider is not displaying the video on mobile devices since auto-play is disabled due to some manufacturers not allowing auto-play by default. But you can set a fallback image for the slider instead.

    Best regards,

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