Tagged: contactform
I have a problem. I placed several contactforms on my website. When a prospect leaves his e-mailadres he should receive an automatic e-mail with a text like: Dear xxxxx, thank you suscribing to our social media plan. I filled this in the following area’s on the contactform.
Autoresponder from email address
Enter the from email address for the autoresponder. (Standaard: (Email address hidden if logged out) )
(Email address hidden if logged out)
Tekst Automatisch Antwoord
Vul een bericht in dat zal worden verstuurd naar het e-mail adres van de gebruiker zodra hij het formulier heeft verzonden.
Wanneer leeggelaten zal er geen automatisch bericht worden verstuurd.
Unfortunately this automatic e-mail is never send to the customer. I already assest the matter to my wordpress host. They say they cannot fix this and that i should take this matter to the theme builder.
I will put the link to the contactform down under so you can test this for yourself.
Help will be appreciated
Hey Dewebontwikkelaar,
Try using the WP Mail Logging plugin to see if your site is sending the emails and if there are any errors. Also check out this info: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/my-contact-form-is-not-sending-emails/
Best regards,