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  • #917220

    Dear Support,

    Are the social plugins from your package (G+, FB, twitter etc) compliant with the new european DVSGO law (General Data Protection Regulation GDPR), which comes into force on 25 May 2018?
    This is a question for all users, to get not a penalty from lawyers or data protection authorities. Up to 20.000.000 € penalty is possible.
    And: You should include in contact forms a automatic option to ask users via unchecked checkbox: “I consent to Example.com collecting and storing my data from this form“ Please discuss this heavyweight topic with Kriesi.

    Otherwise, all of your users will get trouble.

    Best regards


    Hey S.,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Are the social plugins from your package (G+, FB, twitter etc)

    Are you referring to the theme’s social sharing section?

    Best regards,



    This was brought up recently and Kriesi said that he is keeping an eye on EU General Data Protection Regulation since it does affect Kriesi Media too. I believe some of those changes should be implemented in WordPress/WooCommerce updates however we will make necessary changes to the theme before deadline as well :)



    Dear Ismael,
    Thanks for Reply.

    Are you referring to the theme’s social sharing section?

    Yes, i mean enfolds social icons




    You can always use

    for now. We are also following

    what the WordPress team will work on.

    Thank you

    Best regards,

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