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  • #1350634


    I am having an issue where the events calendar plugin seesm to duplicate the details / venue / organiser section at the bottom of the page.

    Is there a way to remove the duplicated info by quick CSS?

    If not possible, hide it altogether?

    Site in development details below.

    Thank you


    Hey sensiblekaren,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Did you create a copy of the single-events.php file in the child theme directory? Please make sure to update the theme to the latest version (

    To temporarily hide or remove the duplicate of the event details, please use this css code.

    .av-single-event-content + .av-single-event-meta-bar.av-single-event-meta-bar-desktop {
        display: none !important;

    You may need to toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings after adding the css.

    Best regards,


    I am trying to hide the meta info box on single events. This css removes the box and it’s content but leaves the rest of the page content offset to the right 2/3 of the page. How can I get the rest of the page content to center?


    Please try this css in Enfold Theme Options ▸ General Styling ▸ Quick CSS field:

    #top.tribe-theme-enfold.single-tribe_events #main .av-single-event-content {
        float: none;
        order: unset;
        margin: auto;
        text-align: center;
    #top.tribe-theme-enfold.single-tribe_events #main .tribe-events-event-image img {
    	margin: auto;
    #top.tribe-theme-enfold.single-tribe_events #main .tribe-events-c-subscribe-dropdown__container,
    #top.tribe-theme-enfold.single-tribe_events #main .tribe-events-schedule{
        justify-content: center;
        margin: auto;

    The expected results:

    Best regards,

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