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  • #1272175


    My menu works fine on my laptop view, but when I go to my mobile and test it to see how it looks, the burger duplicates the main menu tab underneath as a sub menu. So for example, when you see ‘About’ on my main menu, on the mobile version ‘About’ appears with ‘About’ underneath as a sub menu item as well. But what I want is the burger to only give ‘My Ethos’, ‘Qualifications’, ‘Testimonials’ and ‘Therapist Insurance’ as sub options. I don’t want this duplication.

    Please can you advise why it is doing this and where in WordPress Enfold I need to make the adjustment.

    Many Thanks,
    Sonya :-)


    Hi Sonya,

    You can adjust that under Enfold->Main Menu->Burger/Mobile Menu. Look for the Clone title menu items to submenu option.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Perfect thanks for the guidance – it’s all sorted now :-)




    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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