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  • #1403561

    I have duplicate parent themes ENFOLD currently and don’t know which one to delete. I think it may be messing up my woocommerce product pages. I’m not sure though. So 2 questions:
    1. Which one do I delete? There is one that says 5.5 and 5.2 I believe, but I don’t know which one is connected to the CHILD theme that we are using.
    2) On WooCommerce page the theme is jacking up the spacing and not allowing the <br>. It literally strips it out every time I update the product page. Why? How do get the theme to stop messing with those woo product pages? It is driving me crazy. see link in pc. On product page you’ll see there are NO LINE BREAKS.


    Hi simplycoding15,

    It seems you have removed Avia Framework debug information, please try to enable it back and then you can inspect the website to know which version of Enfold the child is inheriting from.

    For further information with Avia Framework Debug Information please check:

    Best regards,


    How do we enable Avia Framework debug? And how was it removed in the first place. I did notice we do have a WP fastest cache plugin. Is this interfering with the theme too? I can delete it. Please advise.


    Hi simplycoding15,

    You can temporarily deactivate the caching plugin.
    As for Avia framework debug, please check your child theme’s functions.php file if it has this code:

      function avia_debugging_info() {

    Then remove it.

    Best regards,


    I searched in the functions.php file with a CTRL F and only could find this code in the theme that has Avia.

    See here:

    I’m going to give you access so you can go in there and see for yourself. I did deactivate the caching plugin.

    TWO MAIN issues we are still having :
    1) duplicate enfold themes installed.
    2) on product pages still can’t get formatted correctly. No ability to do line breaks. It is all run-on sentences.

    PLEASE HELP! There is definitely something buggy here.


    Hi simplycoding15,

    Thanks for giving us admin access.

    1) duplicate enfold themes installed.
    This is fixed. Enfold 5.2 is removed.

    2) on product pages still can’t get formatted correctly. No ability to do line breaks. It is all run-on sentences.
    The problem was caused by this custom code in your child theme’s functions.php:

    // the wpautop adds <p> tags nonstop all over your posts - Stop the maddness!
    remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
    remove_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'wpautop' );

    I have commented the code so it won’t run but please review your website.

    Best regards,


    On #2 why would that code even be in there? What is it from? Do we need to REMOVE it completely?

    #3 Is there a caching plugin you recommend that works well with Enfold Child theme?

    #4 See this image. Why is the favicon not working anymore to show our logo?

    Almost there…. Really appreciate your help here! This has been very frustrating.


    #4 ▸ in your root directory you have this favicon.ico
    this is the default location that many web browsers look for a favicon.ico, perhaps this is your webhost icon, I don’t know but to correct convert your favicon png image into a real favicon.ico and upload it to your root directory via FTP, this will overwrite the other one and prevent this from happening again, assuming that your webhost or another script is adding it automatically.

    Best regards,


    I see inside the Enfold child settings that we have the Favicon set.

    see here:


    and how do I add shortcode or “add to cart” button within the avia layout editor buttons? It keeps giving me this warning. see image:

    I want the buttons on this page to simply ADD TO CART, but not go actually to the cart but just have a little message that pops up or greys out button showing that it has been added to cart if that makes sense.


    I understand that you have a favicon set in the theme settings, but you also have a favicon.ico in the root structure of your domain, this is the default location that many web browsers look for a favicon.ico so in many cases this will override the theme settings.
    Please try as I have advised.

    Best regards,


    okay. Also do you have some documentation how to use the woocommerce short codes for products inside the avia layout editor buttons?


    In the screenshot it looks like you have added code into the Custom Class field of the button:
    please don’t do this as this field is only for class names.
    We don’t have a way to add woocommerce shortcodes into buttons, instead add the shortcodes for woocommerce buttons into a code block element, or a text block, or if you are editing a product page using the Advanced Layout Builder use the Product Purchase Button element.

    Best regards,


    Okay, but I should be able to put an woocommerce add to cart buttons anywhere I want on the pages within the layout editor. There’s got to be an easy way to make these buttons ADD COURSE on the page show that course is added without refreshing the page using AJAX. I looked at these elements but I can’t access them. WHY? This coder wants to charge $500 bucks to do this. It is ridiculous that I can’t have these buttons. Please advise.

    See here:


    Thank you for your patience and the screenshot, I see the page you are working on is not a product page so the Product Purchase Button element is not available, so instead you should use the Shortcodes included with WooCommerce in a code block element, for example to show an add to cart button for the product 261 with no price use this shortcode [add_to_cart id="261" show_price="false"] if you want to show the price next to the button then just remove the argument show_price=”false” from the shortcode. When I looked at your pricing page it looked like you have the product price showing in a different element, to show the product price by ID with a shortcode, try adding this code to the end of your child theme functions.php file in Appearance ▸ Editor:

    add_shortcode( 'product_price_shortcode', 'woo_product_price_shortcode' ); 
    function woo_product_price_shortcode( $atts ) { 
    	$atts = shortcode_atts( array( 
    		'id' => null 
    	), $atts, 'product_price_shortcode' ); 
    	if ( empty( $atts[ 'id' ] ) ) { 
    		return ''; 
    	$product = wc_get_product( $atts['id'] ); 
    	if ( ! $product ) { 
    		return ''; 
    	return $product->get_price(); 

    and then use this shortcode: [product_price_shortcode id="261"]
    If you want to show the product image, title, & price use the shortcode: [product id="261"]

    Best regards,


    If I use shortcode with the AJAX enabled will it not refresh the page when they click add course? This is what I need it to do. Please advise.


    I actually tried it and it does add to cart, HOWEVER it refreshes the page and does not use ajax so that it stays on the same part of the page. This is what I’m trying to avoid. The AJAX only seems to work if it is inside the /store page. How do I get around that?


    I tested the button shortcode in a Classic Editor blog post and on a ALB page on my test site, and in both cases the product is added to the cart without reloading the page. Please see the links below.
    Perhaps you have a plugin that is conflicting?

    Best regards,


    Did you do this in a code block element? Perhaps that is what I’m supposed to do. Would you be willing to look at our page inside?


    I see in your links that you have a /shop . Does this mean you are inside the actual /shop pages? This I can do. It is the ones on the regular wp pages. As this one: instead of . Does that make sense?


    Here’ I’ll just give you access that way you can tell me what’s going on. I can’t figure it out.


    Thanks for the login, on my test page the shortcode is in a code block element, and on the post it is just in the Classic Editor. My test site is a multi-network so the site is /shop/ for the shop demo, it’s not a shop page.
    I found a test page on your site linked below, and add the shortcode for the product 50858 and tested it, and indeed it is reloading the page and changing the url: /testpage/?add-to-cart=50858 unlike my site with no plugins.
    I recommend trying to disable all of your plugins except the one core woocommerce plugin. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.
    I’m not sure which one it could be as I have not seen this issue before.

    Best regards,


    Any ideas which plugin it would be? We really don’t have a lot other than woocommerce plugins.


    Sorry I don’t know which one it could be, I see that you have 28 plugins active besides the woocommerce core plugin. I recommend starting with disabling all of them and see if that corrects.

    Best regards,


    The ajax button wasn’t turned on. Looks like it is working now. Is there any way to make the button say “ADD COURSE” like I have on the pricing page? and the view cart is kind of weirdly spaced right next to it on that test page:


    So I did it on the first product on this page: , but if you see it has a long box around it which looks bad, and the view cart button is not spaced right and the message at the top right says ” ” was added to your cart. Why is there no name?


    I do see this plugin that would work possibly:


    okay got the plugin to work. Now do you know why it doesn’t show anything added to cart text? Is this a setting somewhere?


    Glad to hear that you found a plugin that works for you, I’m not sure about the popup text perhaps it needs a product title to display the text, does the plugin offer this?
    Perhaps the popup is not needed and we can hide it with css or we can make a single message for all of your button popups like “successfully added to the cart”?

    Best regards,


    That would be fine to have something generic. I just don’t know where that setting is inside the theme or woocommerce? Any thoughts?

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