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  • #204573

    I am trying to set up a bilingual site (english/danish) but am unable to access the dummy data when the WPML plugin is activated.
    I set it up wrong the first time although the dummy content was there but the english and danish pages were reversed for some reason – and started over by reinstalling the theme via ftp. I deactivated the WPML and imported the dummy data successfully, but now cannot see it (pages, etc) when the WPML is activated. This is the first time I am setting up a bilingual site, and I want to do it correctly. I am also using the child theme in case I customize. Can you help me out? thanks very much. url is

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Yigit.

    Hey MUNFORD!

    While the site support WPML we aren’t support *for* WPML. Your best resource for getting your site set up using the plugin is

    Keep in mind that deleting a theme doesn’t reset the data on the WordPress database. It only deletes the files. So settings and things aren’t re-set when you delete theme files.



    I know you aren’t the WPML support but…

    I use the theme Enfold, that is supposed to be compatible with WPML, but when I activate WPML, I get the folowing message:
    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    If I activate WPML when I use theme twenty twelve, WPML seems to work fine.

    If I first activate WPML with theme twenty twelve and than want to change to theme Enfold, it wont even show a preview of the Enfold theme.

    so I think there might be a compatibility problem



    Please try to increase the allocated php memory to 128M by editing the wp-config.php file: ?



    thanks I think I figured it out.
    Have another question – under: Header / Social Icon / Special: email icon… what should be in the Social Icon URL box?
    tried a mailto:… but didn’t work.


    Hey Peter,

    Thanx for your reply

    That did not help me. I added : “define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’);” to the wp-config.php and tried again. I got the same results as earlier today.

    I tried activating the theme first and later the WPML plugin and also the other way around. The only thing I got ‘extra’ is this:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 50331648 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 122880 bytes) in /usr/home/lmscar124/www/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/inc/translation-management/translation-management.class.php on line 156

    That is beyond my understanding, maybe it helps you supporting me



    Please download the latest version of the theme, Enfold 2.4.4. Update the theme via FTP. Please watch this video by Devin:

    On wp-config.php file, please add this code at the very bottom:

    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

    Please post the login details here as a private reply. We would like to inspect it.

    Best regards,


    the memory on the server itself needed to be increased. now it is 64MB and it seems to work.

    (the support of WPML helped me soilving this)

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