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  • #162961

    Good morning.

    I am having a problem importing your dummy data into your Enfold theme.

    I have read through your support postings and I have done what was recommend. I even increased my limit to 256 in the WP-Admin.php file.

    When I press the import button the command eventually just times out and I get a “sparky” message.

    Can you please help…

    Thank you.


    Hi haines1,

    Disable any plugins or dropins if you have any active as a first step. Next, what version of the theme and WordPress are you using as well as browser+OS?




    Hi Devin,

    Thank you for your quick response.

    I have deactivated all plug/drop ins

    I’m using the latest versions of WP and Enfold.

    Chrome and Firefox
    W7 64 os

    Thanks for any help you can provide.




    Can you please re-install WordPress and start from scratch? You should increase php memory limit on wp-config.php file, add this:

    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M');



    This solution did not work for me either.

    Nothing on the Enfold Theme Options page works. You can not Import dummy data, upload a logo, favicon, change the frontpage settings – nothing.

    Please advise. Thanks



    Perform a quick test trying to upload something via Media > Add new, if it doesn’t upload, it’s probably not a theme-related issue.




    I have reinstalled and increased mem limit. Still nothing.

    Is this an issue with AVIA?

    Thank you,



    Hello David!

    Can we see what you have now live (theme installed with no imported data)?

    Have you tried switching to one of the default WordPress themes and trying to upload an image?

    Best regards,


    I have performed the suggestions and still can not import the dummy data.

    Changing the wp-config did not work.
    I am able to switch to a default wp theme and upload an image.
    I am able to upload an image directly to the media.

    Please provide a solution to the issue.

    Thanks – Mel


    I’ll need to log in and take a look at the site live. If you can create a temporary admin account for me we can dig a bit deeper.

    You can send the information to my email at DevinVinson (at) Make sure to include a link to this topic so that my spam filter doesn’t grab it :)


    Thanks again Devin!


    Glad we could help. Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.

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