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  • #967687

    My Opt-Outs are in english:
    Click to enable/disable google maps.
    My site is German, do I have to translate them to be DSGVO conform.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by royaltask.

    Hey royaltask,

    You can do that, by using a plugin like Loco Translate.
    Let us know if you deal with any issue.

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis

    Is it possible to make it possible without Loco translate in the next Enfold version ?
    (just speaking about this particular witch button and not all the policy)

    Many thanks !



    Having multiple languages can be through the lang files only.
    We will do suggest to our developers but I am not sure we will have something in an other direction regarding that.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your answer Basilis
    The problem is
    \enfold\includes\helper-privacy.php Line 107: $content = !empty($content) ? $content : __('Click to enable/disable google analytics tracking.', 'avia_framework');

    is only translate in enfold\lang\de_DE.po and \enfold\lang\it_IT.po…not in other languages in the last version (unless i’m mistaken). I can add it to my own language easily, but it’s annoying to work in parralel with Enfold Devs.
    Many thanks



    We will do check it with our developers and we will cone back to you,

    Best regards,


    in the meantime, is there any other solution than installing a third-party plugin to translate the strings into German?
    Best regards


    Hi Rolf,

    Translation of WordPress themes and content are mostly done with the 3rd party plugins and Enfold is translated by the community. Which strings are you referring to in this case?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    the string is “Click to enable/disable google maps” as mentioned in the beginning of this thread.

    Best regards,


    Hi rolf2,

    Well, the German version is translated, but the formal version is not.
    Image 2020-05-13 at 21.26.10.png

    You can copy that file to the child theme, edit the translation and regenerate the .mo file.

    Here are the docs for you:

    Best regards,

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