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  • #1410876

    I do not know how to solve this DSGVO issue.
    My page is using the Modal popup. All cookies are inactive except the essential. But when ic make a DSGVO online check, i get such errors:

    Tracking-Cookies ohne Einwilligung
    Tracker ohne Einwilligung
    Google-Tools ohne Einwilligung, siehe Ihr Fingerabdruck
    Externe Ressourcen, siehe Ihr Fingerabdruck
    Tracker ohne Einwilligung
    Google-Tools ohne Einwilligung
    Externe Dateien

    …i am using the regular settings that are provided in the latest version of Enfold.
    so, mentioned cookies selection needs to be added manually?

    After recheding the console, the Anlytics code is loading before activate it in the cookie banner
    GTM Manager is loaded without permission in banner

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by xeovision.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by xeovision.

    Hey Sebastian,

    I checked your website and cookies were not loaded before I accepted them. Did you select one of the “User must select” options in Enfold theme options > Privacy and Cookies > Cookie Handling > Default Cookie Behaviour (

    To add custom cookies, please check out this post:

    Best regards,

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