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  • #1337488

    Since updating to Enfold 4.8.9 I have not been able to make any manual changes to my galleries.

    Drag and drop lets me select and drag an image, but when I try to drop it, the other images do now move allowing space to drop it.

    I can give you access to the site if that helps?




    Hey ColinWalton,

    This problem was introduced with the new version unfortunately, and we don’t have a solution to offer yet. Could you downgrade to the previous version please? Please see private. If you need help with that, then please include admin WordPress and FTP login details in private.

    Best regards,


    Ok thanks.

    Is the easiest way to do this to delete the NEW Enfold in the themes panel then upload the OLDER zipped folder? How do I delete a theme in WordPress Admin?

    Or maybe using FTP rename the newer version something, then upload an unzipped version of the older Enfold folder?

    Thanks anyway!


    Not to worry I have done it with FTP. Thanks for the speedy help!


    Sorry. It still doesn’t work! The update page says: But I think the latest version is 4.8.9. So this is running the one from DropBox.

    I have quit and restarted Safari and deleted the cache. So not sure what else to do?

    I have put the admin details in the private content. The Portfolio item is EGG CUPS. Then look at the gallery. Thanks.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi ColinWalton,

    Thanks for the login details. I’m getting blocked when trying to login though:

    Your access to this site has been limited by the site owner
    Your access to this service has been limited. (HTTP response code 503)

    If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance.

    Could you whitelist the countries in private please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Fapurv,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site. Also please let us know where on your actual site we can see the problem.

    Best regards,


    Hiya, I think it is Wordfence locking out certain countries. I have unblocked those you requested.

    An example of the problem is a Portfolio called Egg Cups.




    Thanks for that, we can access your site now. The likely cause of this problem is the WordPress 5.9 update, could you try to downgrade WordPress to see if that helps? We can do it for you if you give us permission to do so, and if you verify that you have backups of your site.

    Best regards,


    Oh that’s a good idea! Yes all backed up now, so please can you downgrade WordPress for me please?




    I downgraded WP version to 5.8.3. Please review your website :)

    Best regards,


    BRILLIANT! thank you. That’s fixed it.

    Now what happens about the upgrade of WordPress in future?

    Thank you!



    The issue will be fixed in WordPress 5.9.1 –

    This is caused by a regression in the jQuery UI Sortable library, a fix has been released for the library, and will be included in the upcoming release of WordPress 5.9.1



    Fabulous! you are a treasure!

    C x



    You are welcome, C!

    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy your weekend :)


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